I provide pro-bono hands-on design support and long-term strategy for individuals and teams working in the intersection of digital rights, human-centered design, and public-interest technology

My work focuses on uncovering and addressing challenges faced by vulnerable and historically marginalized communities through approaches such as decoloniality, decentralization, and mutual aid.

I'm fluent in the languages of design, research, technology, and management. This allows me to collaborate effectively across diverse teams and user groups, bridging the gap between human desirability, technological feasibility, and economic viability in product development. 

Having experiences living and working in various industries across three continents, I'm equipped to conduct design and research that are not only data-driven but also contextually sensitive and relevant to the needs of the communities in risk.

work with me

I'm available to provide my services free of charge through the User Experience and Discovery (UXD) Lab, thanks to the support of the Open Technology Fund.

Learn more about the UXDLab and apply for support here 

Alternatively, you can also reach out to me directly at decentdesignlab[at]proton[dot]me 

my services

I have provided hands-on supports, as well as coaching, mentoring, and consulting services for individuals, project teams, and organizations in the following areas:

  • Secure UX Design & Research 
  • Human-centered Design 
  • Decolonial Design 
  • Program & Process Design
  • Interface and Interaction Design
  • Branding & Visual Identity Development 
  • Organizational Identity, Value, Strategy & Development
  • Project Sustainability & Management

01. User Discovery — Gaining a thorough understanding of users' needs and pain points to guide product development strategy by:
  • Planning and executing qualitative and quantitative research
  • Developing generative probes to lead to deeper insights
  • Identifying deep, core issues as well as superficial complaints or compliments
  • Leading teams through research processes, synthesis/analysis, and insight development
  • Delivering a clear, concise, supported, and action-oriented research report

METHODSethnographic and qualitative research • focus group • diary studies • contextual interviews • participatory observation • system mapping • user journey mapping •  shadowing • survey • card sorting • personas • user stories • stakeholders mapping • ecosystem mapping 

02. Design, Usability and Accessibility — Ensuring products and services are secure, usable, and accessible by:
  • Generating rough concept sketches, user flows, and paper and click-through prototypes
  • Iterating on wire-frames for interfaces and architectures
  • Testing ideas and prototypes with users and stakeholders
  • Creating external or internal process documentation
  • Ongoing support on implementation

METHODSideation and concept development • problem statement • co-design workshop •  
empathy map canvas • storyboard •  desktop walkthrough • service design blueprints • userflow •  information architecture  • wireframing and prototyping • usability testing •  interaction design • brand and visual design • usability audit • heuristic reviews • design feedback and coaching 

My working languages are English, Japanese, and Vietnamese.

I also also speak Vietnamese Sign Language (advanced), German (elementary), and American Sign Language (elementary).