
I am a designer and researcher based in Southeast Asia. I work closely with individuals and teams from the open-source, Internet Freedom, and decentralized and distributed web ecosystems to build respectful technologies with and for historically marginalized communities. 


  • consulting on responsible design and research in public-interest technology
  • contributing to the creation of a more secure, resillient, and distributed web
  • maintaining a pattern library for distributed systems
  • making knowledge(s) open and accessible through zines
  • contemplating different modes of decolonial being, thinking, and doing through clay


  • UX for local-first, decentralized, and distributed systems
  • design research for usable security and responsible tech
  • grant acquisition for human rights, child protection, and gender-based violence projects
  • gave talks and led workshops at various design and tech conferences such as DWeb Camp, FOSS.backstage, FOSDEM, Mozilla Festival, RightsCon, Mozilla Responsible AI Challenge, Design Matters, Attending [2] Futures, and the Bauhaus Study Room